Shri Ganesha Temple, Rajur

There is a Ganesha temple at a distance of 25 km from the city of jalna in Rajur area. Many devotees and pilgrims visit this place on Chaturthi of every month – Ganesh Chaturthi is crowded in this temple. Moreover, on the day of Angarika Chaturthi, a fair is held in the temple, in which many people come as devotees.

History of the temple

According to the Ganesh Purana, it is one of the complete pithas of Lord Ganesha, and hence has religious significance.
Getting There

The Ganesha temple is 25 km north of Jalna town and is connected by bus routes from various places in Maharashtra.
Things to do around

The temple is currently under renovation and will be completed soon. Jalna district has other religious places like Matsyadori temple etc. There is a dam called Chandai Dam near Sriganesha in Rajur which is accessible.
Opening/Closing Timings and Days

The temple is open during the day and closed at night.

Entry Fee

There is no charge in the temple, it is open to all.
Best time to visit

If you are planning to visit Angarika Chaturthi fair then you need to plan your visit accordingly. Otherwise, winter to early spring can be a good time to visit this place.

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